
YINKA OGUNDE: Determined to Rescue Nigeria from Brain Drain (THIS DAY Article)

Mrs Yinka Ogunde, founder of the Concerned Parents and Educators Initiative (CPE) and CEO of Edumark Consult & Yinka Ogunde Consult was featured on the weekly pull-out segment of the ThisDay Newspaper on the 16th of July, 2023. The Newspaper article Captured some of the Educator’s thoughts on various issues surrounding education in Nigeria.

“It all began in the early days of her career, figuring out the direction to toe. And what readily came to mind was education. Ironically, Mrs. Yinka Ogunde, the brain behind Edumark Consult and Founder, Concerned Parents and Educators Initiative (CPE), was never a trained teacher or an educationist. She was a graduate of Mass Communication from the University of Lagos and began her career in an advertising agency. Ogunde pivoted into education marketing (Edumark) as a blue ocean strategy.”…….

“I think one of the main things for me in education is the fact that I see it as the only pathway for the true transformation of our beloved country,” she began. “If you have people who are educated, their thinking is changed. This is not just in terms of formal education alone, but allowing them to make something out of their lives in a better structured way. Providing them the opportunity to be able to realise their potential whether it is through vocational education or a degree programme. If not, we will just be raising half-baked graduates, semi-illiterate, people who just have paper qualifications and are not even skilled enough to do what they need to do.”…..

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