CPE “Save Education in Nigeria” Advocacy Plan to take flight in February 2020.

Concerned Parents and Educators Initiative have dived into the new year head first with new plans to improve the quality of life in Nigeria as well as the quality of education.2019 was a year that saw CPE put a lot of smiles on the faces of single mothers,less privileged children and students in Low Income areas and also schools that were barely struggling to stay afloat and support their school.

Nothwithstanding, CPE has expressed its commitment to do more with its ” Save Our Future” Advocacy Plan which is directed at creating an open crowd funding for education in several rural areas of the  country as well as infrastructural facilities that would improve the standard of life in these areas.

The “Save Our Future” initiative is a nationwide advocacy plan to turn the search light of CPE on the nooks and crannies of Nigeria that are in dire need of support and intervention to address endemic health issues,infrastructural issues ,educational issues that are borne out of financial destitution,the initiative which has been slated to take off in February 2020  would be a welcome development that would be the flag bearer for continued development in local areas in Nigeria.